The Relentless Movie Project
About The Relentless Project
In the beginning there was a game. It was a good game. Very good.
For years Hollywood has been picking the worst possible games to make into films.
Mario - (Great game, stupid plot)
Street Fighter - (BLUE Camo's?)
Mortal Kobat - (Arghh...)
Pokémon - (Arghh!!!!!!)
and will soon have..
Tomb Raider (no comment),
Final Fantasy (Maybe OKish),
Doom (Yes!DOOM)
This is terrible. Not only to we get plotless rubbish made into films we also miss out on games that would make good films:
Zelda (Links Awakening or the Original NES)
Monkey Island (Lucas Films should take note of Lucas Arts is doing)
Dark Earth (Is being made into a CGI cartoon )
Day of the Tentacle (Lucas Film take note again!)
any others...
But the one game the would make a great film is Relentless (LBA1).
So the Project was founded on 3/1/2001 and started with just Darkflame (Thomas Wrobel) as the project 'guide'.
The project has been advancing slowly but we still need more people (See main page for details)
See the screen shots or what's new for details.
The Celelestral Being
I am Darkflame, unfortunately this alias wasn't original enough and I have found at least 3 other 'Darkflames'. So I have to use my Real name as well: ThomasWrobel I am currently at college, study Maths,Physics and Computing. I enjoy anything that allows me to escape from this world.
My Addresses:
Thomas "Darkflame" Wrobel
47 Heath Park Road
Rm 5UL
Milky Way,
P43 Cluster,
Western Spiral Arm.
Project Email: