A Remote Galaxy...
Script Writter: 1-3:Needed to joint write the film. I have written the opening sequence and will be 'guiding' the story.
Story Board Artists:
1:Need to draw rough pencil outlines of scenes from the story.Must be a good sketchier and have a scanner.(Job Taken)
2D Texture Artist:
5+:Needed to draw textures for 3d objects.Can be made using any software the outputs to Jpg or PSP format.I recommend PSP7 by Jasc Software
3D Animators:
To help animate and the movie. I use a programme that can export 3DS format, but the following 3D programmes are available for free:
True space 3 (recommended)
Brace 3d
Voice Actors:
Needed for all major parts,
Twinsen,Zoe,Sendal,Funfrok ect. will very according to how the script is written.
Anyone who can speak English can do this.
Spelling Chequers
Needed for this web site and the scropt
'Idea' People
Needed for 'ideas'.If there is a problem with the script or story then these people should offer suggestions.
How does Twinsen carry the proto pack in his tunic?
If you can do any of these then sign up or...
CONTACT US at: Thomaswrobel@hotmail.com Darkflame@3dup.com